How did you first hear of La Bocana?
What (or who) led you here?
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I first heard of La Bocana from my father. He loves fishing and in the 80s, he would organize a big group to go fishing in San Quintin. We would all stay at the Old Mill. We had a wonderful time but it was a long trek for a 3 day weekend. I think it was my brother and uncle who came upon La Bocana - determined to find a spot where we could hire pangas closer to the border. They met the Gomez brothers and soon my father was organizing the fishing trips to La Bocana with all of us staying in the cabins. Soon, the house owned by Chuck Schmuck came available for sale and the rest is history.
I've only been to La Bocana once, back in ... 1969? when I was a kid. My family with a bunch of other families camped there. I have some interesting memories: the crapper, for one thing. If anyone else remembers that thing, let me know. Also, a woman who didn't speak English babysitting all of kids (10 or 12 of us) who didn't speak much Spanish teaching us to make flour tortillas. And, of course, my brother using poison oak for TP -- ouch. Then there were the crawfish and cranes and the ocean .... Anyway, that's about all I remember, but I remember it fondly.
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