2. Jack and Marlene camping near the river. Note the reeds..

3. Marlene and friend preparing potatoes for baking on the grassy meadow.

4. This is the outhouse that sat above the ocean where the upper camp spot is today. The concrete pillars are still there! You’ll see them if you walk on the lava rocks.

5. Our son in an abandoned boat.

6. Our son and daughter and friend.

7. La Bocana in 1969!

8. Where the river and ocean meet.
9. Where the river and ocean meet.

10. Kids in the river – La Bocana 1969!

11. The “Lydon” house in 1969.

12. The old Bocana store. Sergio is the 2nd kid from left. Jack is enjoying a cerveza.

13. Picnic at the tide pools south of the beach.

14. Picnic near the tide pools to the south of the beach. Jack in center, Marlene on far right.

15. Jack, Senor Gomez, Sergio in 1992.

16. Sergio presents the key to our casa to Jack in 1992.

17. Senor Romulo Gomez signing our copy of God and Mr. Gomez--1992