We visited the first week of April and actually arrived on April Fools Day, Ibelieve. It was me and three of my friends ( Mandy Fessler, Brad Fessler,and Carrie Ragland). They are all from Ohio and had never been to the west coast.
Upon arriving in La Bocana we were immediately met by the official greeting committee of Mike,Tank and Rocco (three dogs). They all wanted to know who the four strangers were invading the commanders house.
We had many nights sitting around the fire,watching the sunset while giggling (due to the Berringer that my parents had supplied). We visited many of the beaches, took long walks on the trails, had the pleasure of meeting Canaro, and ate some fresh lobster.
I also had the pleasure of falling in the water while exploring the rocks......my camera took a dive with me and all my dad could do was laugh. That wasn't the only time I fell either.....I also slipped when coming back up the bank with my body board...we just had to laugh and compare myself toBella from the Twilight books....quite clumsy....now if I could only find my Edward shimmering in the sunlight I would be all set!
La Boufadora, shopping, wild horses.....mountains behind and the ocean ahead. I have never seen anything like it. So now I understand why my parents sold the house I grew up in and persued this dream house in this place in the middle of Mexico. We miss it already and are planning to all come back next year.
If Brad and Mandy had their way, they would own the house two down from my parents already.
Here are some photos from our adventure: