Many pelicans have been landing and taking a breather at the lagoon lately. They are a sight to see, with their awkward landings. I tried to get a picture of a splayed legged pelican making his final descent, but there were no incoming pelicans the day I brought my camera. I did stalk this guy for a while and watched him preen himself.
Let's get to know our official bird the Brown Pelican:
Size: 39-54 inches
Wingspan: 6 - 8 feet
Weight: 70.6-176.5 ounces (roughly 4 to 11 pounds)
Official Name: Pelecanus occidentalis
Unique among the world's eight species of pelicans, the Brown Pelican is found along the ocean shores and not on inland lakes. It is the only dark pelican, and also the only one that plunges from the air into the water to catch its food.
The nest location varies from a simple scrape on the ground on an island to a bulky stick nest in a low tree. These birds nest in colonies, usually on islands.
After nesting, the birds move in flocks further north along the coasts, returning to warmer waters for winter. Their young are hatched in broods of about 3, and eat around 150 lbs. of fish in the 8-10 month period they are cared for.
Unlike most birds, which warm their eggs with the skin of their breasts, pelicans incubate their eggs with their feet. They hold the eggs under the webs that stretch from the front toes to the hind toe, essentially standing on the eggs to warm them. This peculiar incubation method made them vulnerable to the effects of the pesticide DDT. The DDT made the eggshells thin, and the incubating parents frequently cracked their eggs.
Normal pelicans can live more than 30 years.
*I'm sorry if you weren't there for the vote - it was kind of an impromptu election held on the bluff above rock beach. If you have another bird to nominate, please submit it for the next round of elections to be held... well, I'm not sure when but I'm pretty sure the polling place will remain the same.